Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A very personal account and a cold response from SEARS

You have to read this one...

Martin and Andrea are the typical hard-working, salt of the earth people who make up the bulk of the dealer channel.  Like most of us, they go all-in and give it everything they've got, with the modest expectation of making an average living for their family.

Notice the cold-hearted reply from Vince Powers of SEARS at the end.

“We’re actively looking for new owners … Osoyoos has been a very good market for Sears,” he said.

We couldn't have said it any better,'s always good for SEARS.

1 comment:

  1. Sears is CRAP!!! I’ve been on both sides of the coin. I was a Sears employee for over 24 years (management for 15 years) before leaving and buying a hometown store in Valleyfield Quebec. It took me 4 months to see how they are screwing the hometown store owners, I put it up for sale right away and got out. I ended up getting some of the money back about 6 months later, after sending Calvin McDonald (the CEO) an E Mail of proof that they screwed me. For Sears to come out and say they are doing everything in partnership with the owners is just plain BS!!
