Thursday, 12 September 2013


We are now joining the growing ranks of SEARS Dealer Stores that simply cannot continue, and have to close their doors.  

We have issued our termination, and the Woodstock store will close Dec 15.

This does not affect our standing as plaintiffs in the Class Action Lawsuit, and we will vigorously pursue the case for the benefit of all dealer stores.

Almost 30 stores have closed this year alone, and while SEARS will subsidize 100% of special advertising costs for new dealers, there is no offer of help or subsidy to keep existing store owners going.

Many stores have asked for help paying a few monthly bills, or for extra advertising subsidy until SEARS can fix the business, but to no avail.  

Instead there seems to be a  few secret, select stores that receive "golden handshakes", where SEARS takes the dealership back and pays the dealer to stay on as a manager.  

Why the double standard?  If they can afford to run the store corporately, then how is it fair to let an owner walk away after investing so much in the business?

The answer is that it is not fair.  Everything is done solely for the benefit of SEARS, with no regard for the people and families that are left holding the debt of a dubious venture.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

It's All About the Kids: SNKCR 2013


From September 5 -21, 23 riders will cycle across our great country in support of children and families living with and beyond cancer.

Sears is the national sponsor for this event, and your local Hometown stores are passionately supporting the effort as well.  Check the route on the SNKCR home-page listed below and please come out to an event, or sponsor a rider.

Its all about the kids and their families fighting the ravages of cancer, and we need to set aside our daily troubles and help carry them through a seemingly impossible time.

For those engaged in the fight, know that you are not alone.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A very personal account and a cold response from SEARS

You have to read this one...

Martin and Andrea are the typical hard-working, salt of the earth people who make up the bulk of the dealer channel.  Like most of us, they go all-in and give it everything they've got, with the modest expectation of making an average living for their family.

Notice the cold-hearted reply from Vince Powers of SEARS at the end.

“We’re actively looking for new owners … Osoyoos has been a very good market for Sears,” he said.

We couldn't have said it any better,'s always good for SEARS.

Monday, 22 July 2013

CBC Radio Coverage

Listen to a Western Dealer's story here...

How We Feel

As you can see, there is no concern from SEARS management for the reality the dealers face.  There is only denial and more propaganda trying to pump up the dealer model as something it obviously is not.

None of our concerns were addressed, no thank you for our hard work, and no clear answer to our request for a meeting.

Instead we are admonished for the tone of our letter.  What do they expect?  We have every right to take them to task.  We are supposed to be partners.

We are not partners.  They treat us with disdain and contempt, as if we are all lazy and incompetent.  In fact, we are the exact opposite.  We are educated, dedicated entrepreneurs and good corporate citizens who serve our communities with passion and dedication.

SEARS' Response

Dear Mr. Kay 

It is with deep disappointment that I learned of the class action lawsuit you initiated. For almost 20 years we have worked cooperatively with our Hometown store owners in order to serve families in smaller communities across Canada. 

We are actively looking for ways to grow, improve and invest in our Hometown network to better serve our customers. In late 2012 we worked with six Hometown store owners to help refresh their stores; we have identified 11 markets where we would like to open new stores and are actively recruiting owners; and we have identified more than 20 stores we believe would greatly benefit from a refresh, expansion or relocation. 

It was with great pride that we opened our new 25,000 square foot store in Orillia in June, and I can tell you personally that the grand opening was warmly received by the community. 

In response to your letter dated July 17, 2013, let me say that I have always taken pride in how open and accessible I am to our partners in business, including our Hometown store owners. 

You must now understand that your actions, including the filing of the claim and the subsequent issuance of a press release as well as the tone of your letter make individual conversations between us much more difficult. It did not go unnoticed that you copied your legal counsel on your recent correspondence and referenced the threat of increased negative publicity. 

Unless I see a sincere desire to have a sit down and discuss matters, without any kind of threats on your part, be it legal or otherwise, I do not believe it will be a productive meeting. 

Calvin McDonald 

Calvin McDonald
President & CEO

Sears Canada Inc. 
290 Yonge Street, Suite 700  | Toronto, ON  |  M5B 2C3 

We Reach Out to SEARS

Last week we sent a letter to SEARS CEO Calvin McDonald offering a chance for us to sit down and discuss a resolution to the financial and personal struggle that dealers face every day.  This is the letter we sent:

1291079 Ontario Limited
o/a Sears Woodstock

July 17, 2013

Sears Canada Inc.
290 Yonge St, Suite 700
Toronto, ON
M5B 2C3

ATTENTION:                        Calvin McDonald, CEO

Dear Mr. McDonald:

My wife Linda and I own the Sears Woodstock Hometown Store.  We are the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit on behalf of 260 Hometown Stores across Canada that alleges unfair dealing by Sears.

I am writing to explain in my own words how desperate the situation affecting the Sears Hometown Stores is and to request that we meet in person to discuss a resolution.  It is my sincere hope that you will carefully consider everything that follows.

First, let me say that I am proud to represent Sears.  When we entered the Sears Dealer Program 6 years ago, we were excited to be part of a brand that was rated #1 in trust among consumers.  We were new to retail (a common trait among dealers) and we trusted your claims in the Ownership Program Brochure that:

·         “This business model is brilliant.   You partner with Sears and own one of our prestigious community stores.”

·         “Sears wants you, our partner, to succeed.  In fact, we take a personal and financial interest in your success.”

We met a lot of great people within the Sears organization.  We were honored to represent the company in our community.  During this time we worked very hard and made an average middle class income.

However, this is no longer possible for us or for the vast majority of Sears Hometown dealers. 

The business model is heavily skewed to favour Sears, placing the bulk of the expense on Dealers.

This spring, under the direction of Hometown Stores V.P. Terri Lowe, things got even worse.  I attended our regional cluster meeting in Kitchener and was shocked by the attitude I saw and heard.  The highlights of the meeting:

·         Advertising subsidies would be cut off to 116 stores in Tier 4.  How do we sell if we don’t advertise?

July 17, 2013
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·         A new group of corporate trainers was presented to help improve our “poor management skills” and provide “on-boarding” for new dealers.  We were told that under the new contracts being released in July, we would all be re-evaluated as dealers before our contract was renewed.  We were told that the ideal candidate for a dealer store is now modeled after a corporate store manager.  This is deeply offensive to us as we bring skill sets and perform tasks that corporate store managers would never consider part of their job.  Nor would any corporate store manager accept our paltry compensation and heavy debt load.

·         We heard from Ian Lam who explained our financial picture in great detail.  In this package was a chart showing that 169 stores did not make an average household income.  The average income of a dealer store was revealed to be $33,000/year.  Given the 50-60 hours per week that owner managers put in, this amounts to less than minimum wage for the average dealer.  In fact, many dealers I have spoken to pay themselves nothing. 

·         A chart was also included showing an average decline in commission from 2009-12 of 15%, while our NET income has declined a whopping 45%.  Notice the disparity here…our costs are rising, and commissions are falling at the same time.  However, Sears still makes money on our stores, without offering a single cent to help with rising costs.

The figures are from Sears’ own documents.  The information was generated from extensive store audits on selected stores (we were forced to participate) performed by an independent accounting firm. 

We were told that anyone who didn’t like the program could leave. There was no thank you for investing hundreds of thousands of dollars.  No thank you for running the most efficient channel in the company with the lowest returns, lowest shrinkage, and pure profit margin (as you well know from your P&L’s).  After hearing this and more, I assumed there was no other recourse than to seek legal counsel, because Terri was speaking on your behalf.

This is not how partners talk. This is not how partners treat each other.

Sears has re-defined our relationship without our consent and has taken away the profit that we need to survive.

I can only assume that you are fully aware that the dealers are not financially viable.  You watch dealer after dealer throw their life savings into these stores and then walk away with nothing, only to hand it to the next one and repeat the cycle.  There have been 5 such stores in Eastern Ontario alone in the last 12 months, all of which are still open for business.  If the channel is not profitable for Sears, why is it opening new stores and continuing to pursue new dealers?  We know there is profit to be shared.  You know this, and yet refuse to offer anything of consequence to help us.  You refuse to share the pie.

As soon as the lawsuit became public, I was inundated with support from the dealers. I heard from a person who was using his retirement pension to fund his Hometown store.  I heard from parents of young children who must bring them to the store because the store does not generate enough money for them to pay for a babysitter.  I heard from one individual who told me that he wept with relief when he saw that the claim had been started.

July 17, 2013
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They have told me such things as:

·         “We are fighting a losing battle trying to use our personal monies to keep the business afloat hoping things would turn around.”

·          “The Sears business has never generated enough income for me to make a living. I feel Sears has profited while I have tried to “stick it out” in hope of better days ahead, but instead I have gone further into debt with less and less support from Sears.”

·         “Not only have we suffered financially, but our family has suffered as well. With the amount of hours we have had to put in to just make ends meet, it has been hard to maintain a healthy family life. I understand that when you get into business that you have to expect to put in lots of hours and that’s fine, but I expect to be fairly compensated for the hours I am putting in.”

How long will you sit and watch people lose everything to support your bottom line?  Do you really believe this is “just business”? 

Although you ignored our initial requests to talk before involving the courts, we would like to offer you this opportunity to sit down with us to explore solutions to these problems.  Although your public statement is that Sears will vigorously defend this lawsuit, we both know that this is hardly an option for the long-term.  Many dealers are hanging on in the hopes that positive change will come about.  Every month, dealers are exiting the system with crushing debt.  Attempts to find new dealers willing to take their place will be hampered by the publicity surrounding the lawsuit and the forthcoming efforts to bring our situation to the attention of the public.  It is not realistic to expect that the Hometown dealers will sit back quietly while they are being starved of funds.

The lawsuit is a response to a dire problem.  How Sears Canada chooses to handle that problem is up to you.  We ask that you contact us or our legal counsel by no later than 5 PM on July 24 if you wish to meet. 



Jim Kay, President


cc:        David Sterns, Sotos LLP

Monday, 8 July 2013

Overwhelming Response

The past 3 days we have seen an overwhelming response to our suit.  We have been contacted by dozens of past dealers who have lost everything and walked away, only to have their store given over to another owner.  New owners are being wooed by Sears and given mis-information as to the potential their investment holds.   The story repeats over and over.  We have support.  Big time.

We have also been overwhelmed by media interest in this.  It is a David vs. Goliath story.  For those of you familiar with the account in the Bible, Goliath doesn't take David seriously.  He mocks him and laughs.  He doesn't see him as a threat.  He is then taken by surprise by a shot between the eyes that ends the battle. The interesting part of the story is that David never feared.  He had every reason to fear, but he felt he had nothing to lose.  He had the hopes and future of an entire nation behind him.

Will you stand behind us?

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Affirmation of the Cause

Despite our early reservations about this suit, we know we have done the right thing.

I have heard from many dealers now, the most poignant being the dealer who said they cried when they read the press release.  They have been so depressed about losing their savings and pension earnings, and like most dealers felt alone and powerless.

Those days are over....

Friday, 5 July 2013

Press Release

Canadian "Sears Hometown" Store Dealers launch $100 Million Class Action against Sears Canada and Sears, Roebuck

TORONTO, July 5, 2013 /CNW/ - A "Sears Hometown" store owner in Woodstock, Ontario launched a class action lawsuit today on behalf of approximately 260 Sears Hometown dealers across Canada against Sears Canada Inc. (TSX: SCC) and its American affiliate, Sears, Roebuck and Co. (together, "Sears").  Sears Canada Inc. and Sears, Roebuck and Co. are subsidiaries of US-parent company Sears Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: SHLD), a company guided by U.S. billionaire and founder and CEO of hedge fund ESL Investments, Inc.,  Edward S. Lampert.
The lawsuit alleges that Sears has breached its legal obligations by depriving the dealers of the realistic opportunity to earn a living wage and make a reasonable profit from their Hometown store businesses.  At the same time, Sears reaps the benefits of the dealers' hard work and investment and enjoys significant profits from the dealer network.
Sears Hometown dealers are independent franchise operators in smaller markets in every province and territory of Canada.  For millions of Canadians, they are the face of the colossal Sears brand.
The dealer agreement is structured so that Sears sets dealers' compensation and work conditions, without regard to either minimum labour standards or franchise protection laws.
Over the past 3 years, Sears Hometown store dealers have seen a continuous erosion of sales and profits.  Meanwhile, Sears is making substantial profits from each and every Hometown store.
As dealers across Canada exhaust their savings, struggle to stay in business, or close down and face personal financial ruin, Sears has responded by: lowering dealers' commissions, reducing local store advertising, and bypassing dealers' stores altogether by selling directly to customers located within the dealers' contractually protected market areas.  This story repeats across the country, with approximately 70% of dealer stores being unsustainable.  Dealers typically work 50-60 hour weeks and are liable to landlords, employees, etc. for all costs associated with running their businesses.
Dealers have pleaded for meaningful changes, and worked to improve the model, to no avail.
Jim Kay, the class representative and owner of the Sears Hometown store in Woodstock, Ontario, describes the dealers' desperate situation this way:
"We put our heart and soul into this business and the community it serves.  We supported local charities, serviced our customers, and wore the Sears name with pride, all on a subsistence wage, often injecting money to meet payroll and keep the doors open.
We are tired of losing money.  We are tired of disappointing our customers because we lack the resources to serve them properly. We are tired of facing the public without a smile, because we know there is no paycheck at the end of the week.  We are tired of being fed scraps for the benefit of a U.S. hedge fund billionaire."
The representative plaintiff brought the action under Ontario's Class Proceedings Act, 1992. The claim seeks court certification on behalf of all Sears Hometown store dealers in Canada.
A copy of the court filed statement of claim is available at:
The dealers are represented by the Toronto law firm of Sotos LLP (
For further information:
on the case, contact David Sterns at (416) 977-5229.

Dealer Stores Launch a Class Action Lawsuit against SEARS

My name is Jim Kay, and my wife Linda and I own the SEARS Hometown Store in Woodstock,ON

We are the Plaintiffs in a $100 million Class Action Suit against SEARS Canada.

Follow this blog for updates and news on the case.